Measure Twice, Cut Once

Very recently I was reminded of a best practice my Father taught me when I was a young adult venturing into the world of DIY.  “Measure twice, cut once, boy” he would say to me.  ‘Measure twice, cut once’, at the time, seemed a bit of a waste of time but as my DIY...

Investing in stocks and shares

Investing in stocks and shares The entire 2013/14 tax year Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance of £11,520 can be invested into a stocks and shares ISA. There is a vast and ever increasing range of different investment options from which to choose, offering not...

ISA Transfers

ISA transfers: How do you move on? Sometimes, after owning your Individual Savings Account (ISA) for a few years, although you find yourself quite happy with the tax breaks and the provider, you might start to notice the underlying investments are no longer giving you...